I live for the unexpected momments in my life in which reality steps out for a quick cup o’ joe and the fantastic insuperably inserts itself in an all too infrequent cameo. This is probably why I like Scrubs. This morning, having had an appointment cancel on me, I thought I would swing by Barnes and Noble to see if they had in stock a certain book I might be interested in purchasing. As I swung my gallant Honda down the parking aisle feeding directly into the main entrance to my place of previous employment, it happened: The Momment.
“Double-non-fat-three-splenda-extra-hot-half-caf-vanilla-laté for Reality? . . .”
I became acutely aware of the radio, which had been previously blathering some rather innocuous music or another, but now was playing something very similar to Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries1. My point of view shot up 25 feet and I saw my car lurch forward, hammer both sets of front doors from their hinges and spray parchment in every direction with impunity, spin 5 brodies in the cheap carpeting and finally streak off down Blackstone leaving a wake of dangling modifiers and mangled diphthongs. I didn’t much care for the time I spent employed by Barnes and Noble, nor did they have the book I was hoping for.
1. Scroll down to track 6 for a sample if you're unfamiliar . . .
Yeah, a lil bit of pent up aggression. When I was working there, a co-worker and I decided that everyone in the States should have to do either a tour in the millitary or a tour in retail.
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