Wednesday, September 27, 2006

99 Problems . . .

For all of the complaining I've done about the addition of our newest family member, I must admit that I have become attached to Reba. Yes, she's inconvenient. Yes, she gets into things. Yes, she's a sock pirate. But she is also exceptionally intelligent, affectionate and I suspect she has hypnotic powers. There have been several instances in the short month that we have had her in which a group of people will find themselves watching her, slackjawed with wonder, while she chews on a rawhide bone. Hypnotic. I held out as long as I could, but in the end her wrinkly forhead and goofy antics won me over and now I'm stuck loving and caring for this dog potentially for the next 10-15 years.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

A Penny Saved . . .

This weekend, my best friend James and I saved me another bundle of cash by installing a new radiator in my Honda. Testosterone boost . . . check.

Next weekend? His radiator and maybe my breaks.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The word of the day is: Theophany.

–noun, plural -nies.
1. A manifestation or appearance of God or a god to a person.

This word has appeared in my life at this time, much like a manifestation of God to a person. Miraculously, without explanation or clear implication. I thought I would share it, as well as this stunning picture of the Salamander. This particular one is a Eurycea guttolineata, or Three-lined Salamander, from the state of Virginia. God appears to us all in many ways. These penumbral theophanies are not God, but they are a way to see what He is doing around us.