There are a couple components that go into making Thanksgiving my favourite holiday. The season starts early for me with Fallstravaganza. Then comes family time on Thanksgiving day, followed closely by
Lone Star Showdown Friday and Kill a Tree for Christmas
1 in North Fork, CA. It's a rare occurrence when all these cogs fall into place; either the Ags loose their game or weather in North Fork is crummy or family is grumpy . . . there are just too many variables for things to come out perfectly. This year, however, has gone off about as well as could be hoped for. Fallstravaganza '07 went swimmingly, I had a very enjoyable Thanksgiving day with my in-laws in town from Dallas, the Ags beat the HELL outta t.u. and we got a sweet tree on an idyllic afternoon in North Fork. Check, check, check and . . . check. I hope yall had awesome Thanksgivings.
1Kill a Tree for Christmas is a Jensen/Qualle family annual event which just celebrated its 32
nd year. Our good friends the Jensens own several acres above North Fork and from its bounty a fresh incense cedar is cut for each family. Below is a photo of this year's Qualle II Family Christmas tree.
1 comment:
precious. has reba tried to climb it yet? i think she'd be good at it.
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