It is best if we get acquainted with our inner personalities as persons in their own right before we start putting distance between us and them by using psychological classifications and jargon. You will get much closer to your inner feminine if you know her as "Lady Ingrid," for example, and think of her as a special and interesting being who lives inside you, than if you call her 'the anima' and turn her into a clinical abstraction.Just thought you should know . . .
- Inner Work, Robert A. Johnson. pg. 77
Very interesting quote Micah! A few weeks back, we finished talking about the anima and animus. Not sure how I'd feel if some guy told me that their "inner feminine" was named Lady Ingrid...though I do see what the quote is inferring and agree. Why make these inner personalities a clinical abstraction...why not become acquainted with them and know them as part of our self
I'm not much of an expert on this "inner self" stuff, but call me crazy, I think the idea could lead us to schizophrenia hmmm.... veeeerrry easily? We would be a step away from being able to blame our inner self for our immoral actions. Apart from that some of us might start refering to ourselves in the third person. Tim never does that, Tim is above the third person, although his sarcastic inner self known as Mr. Mook sometimes enjoys it...
Interesting quote Micah. Although i may get to know my inner self better that way, I'm gonna pass... Sorry Lady Ingrid, your gonna have to sit this one out!
Trish: Yeah, Lady Ingrid was a little hard to take seriously. I'm still exploring the whole field of Jungian analysis, but it's been an interesting ride so far. We should talk about it like big fat psyc nerds on Sat.
Tim: My dear brother-in-law. Greetings, yo. Are we gonna get to see yall this winter? You bring up an important point, though, Tim. Can we blame our inner-selves for certain actions, both virtuous or otherwise? If we truly believe in the Spirit's deposit, it would certainly seem that we are not beyond accepting something so metaphysical. What do yall think?
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