I've decided to be bold and install a feature I've been thinking about doing for a while. Here's hoping that it goes better than the movie reviewing . . . right?! Anyway, I used to
love reading Choose Your Own Adventure books when I was young and I thought it'd be a fun thing to try on a blog. The plan is to update the feature weekly, so vote on the course of action you think most prudent at the end of each post and we'll see how many times we can end up dead. And now . . .
La Concha
The adrenalin was already singing through his chest and river dancing on his bowels by the time Liam’s eyelids snapped open, beginning to register his murky surroundings. The garish radiance of red, blue and yellow neon intermittently lit the room with a wan rainbow through the worn curtains hanging over the solitary barred window. His horizontal view shifted as he raised himself from his sweat-drenched pillow and swiped his hand over his damp face. “Stupid brain,” he murmured to no one in particular, now rubbing sleep from his left eye and yawing cavernously. Stealing a glance at the digital clock glowing a verdant 2:17 he shook his head ruefully. “Always coming with these weird drea . . . ” but he trailed off as he heard over the usual nocturnal bustling of the city about him a soft but distinct thump and faint rustle come from down the small hallway which lead to his kitchenette, like the sound of a trench coated body grazing a grimy wall.
With every nerve in his body now aflame and extending what felt like inches past his skin, Liam gingerly disentangled himself from his matted bed clothes and snatched the carved wooden bookend from his bedside table as he eased himself silently onto the dingy low-pile carpet of his bedroom floor. Toeing aside a discarded t-shirt and stepping over a pair of black wingtips, he ever so gently padded towards his slightly ajar bedroom door. Creeping along the wall of his bedroom, making sure to keep the door between him and the hallways as much as possible, Liam nervously worked his grip on the bookend, finding its solid weight and sublime burnish somehow reassuring. Arriving at the door still wound tighter than a nun at a frat party, he thought he could hear nasally breaths being drawn steadily from somewhere on the other side of the flimsy piece of composite board now only inches from face, but over the whooshing of traffic and the buzzing of the neon sign outside his window it was impossible to tell for sure.
Liam should:
A) Charge down the hallway into the kitchenette
B) Attempt to sneak down the hallway
C) Stay put behind the door until daylight
D) Call out to see if anyone is there
Have you seen Zodiac? I watched it last night. Amazing. Very similar.
B lends itself to catching the breather by surprise. I vote for B.
James, on a different computer.
Well, one scene was very similar. It was neer What Lies Beneath suspenseful.
given that the guy woke up from his dead sleep by a guy sneaking around, i think there is very little chance of being able to effectively sneak up on him, so B is out. Composite doors don't really offer much protection, so that is out. And if you are going to announce yourself, it makes much more sense to make a complete fool out of yourself and storm the guy in the kitchen than saying, "if anyone is out there I would be happy to make some tea for you." So a solid A for me.
I was thinking about it tonight after posting and agree with you about the sneaking out. He wouldn't be able to do it. But what did we learn from Misery?
Paul's most effective move was when he made the cubby hole for pills in his mattress, gradually worked out, then lay in wait with the knife. He stayed as he was, never giving up his environment to go after the Annie. He knew his surroundings and waited. Unfortunately Annie knew better, but I don't think our trench coated fiend will have the presence of mind to be thinking it through.
Micah, can we add an option of laying in wait, faking sleep, with the bookend hidden under the sheets?
For the sake of simplicity, your options are (unfortunately) limited to the four given. A good idea, to be sure, but not on the menu for poor Liam.
Let it be noted that we don't even know if Liam's in trouble at the moment. It could be nothing.
So, as I see it there is more than likely nothing wrong at this point in the story ... A roommate or relative has stopped by and is trying not to wake you as they come in and make themselves at home. However this would freak me out so "B" and I would take a trusty baseball bat with me.
Wait sooo....how do you get to the next story? it's like everyone just votes on their favorite letter and then you write one? I'm confused....but GREAT idea... ;-)
Leisel, did you never read choose your own adventure stories when you were a kid?!?!?!
The premise is that as the story goes along there are decision points along the way and you have to choose an action from the possibilities. Some lead to certain death, others to rich reward.
So yeah, just vote on what you think young (or is he?) Liam should do, and next Wed we'll see if yall managed to kill him or if he survives to the next step.
So far we stack up like this:
A: 1
B: 2
C: 0
D: 0
D...I want to be cautious...I'm nervous.
The letter "C" is for me.
I love staying put...
getting the lay of the land...
rehearsing actions taken...
best to be intentional in life...
reflection on paths taken brings one to a higher plane of consciousness and puts off confronting fear of the unknown!
What about the drea...?
Could it be the dreary aftermath of indulging in celebrator revels or perhaps the continual dread of another work day????? Whaterever the drea...is, I'm all eyes to see^_^
The deleted comments trouble me - did they choose "S"?
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