1. In the States we slow our speech and get uncomfortably close to a person if they don't understand our English. It would seem that in Mexico, the opposite is true. Tío Sergio was especially fond of approaching and rapidly pelting me with urgent sounding Spanish. I would blink slowly, quickly sorting through my lexicon of approximately 25 Spanish words and see if any of them sounded like they could fit into the preceding deluge. Next I would venture a translation: "You gave the box to Tom?" Tío Sergio would blink back, say, " . . . No." And then launch into what seemed to me a more complicated and break-neck Spanish explanation. All in all a great time.
2. You can pay $10 (US) to go 10 kilometres in a Taxi or $15 (US) to go 200 kilometres on Omnibus Mexico. This leads me to the conclusion that we either got shamelessly bent over on a cab fare or the bus system in Mexico is subsidized. I'm inclined to think a little or both.
3. It's possible for the temperature to remain in the low 30's C and still sweat through two shirts in under 15 minutes while sitting in the shade. It's not pretty, but it's possible.
4. Harry Potter has spread at least as far south as Tampico, Mexico. So has Wal-Mart.
5. It is entirely possible to spend four days in Mexico, enjoy the local cuisine to the fullest, and not suffer any major gastrointestinal incidents.
6. Rumours of 'Mexican Time' have been greatly under-exaggerated. When the bride showed up at 7h15 for the 6h00 wedding I knew I wasn't in Kansas anymore.
7. Despite the laws of physics which dictate that no two objects can occupy the same space at the same time, two-way traffic on 18'-wide roads in Mexico continues unperturbed.
8. Just because the 1h15am (A. M. !!!!!) flight to Mexico is cheaper doesn't mean you won't still pay dearly for it.
9. Shockingly, some parts of Fresno are nearly identical to rural Mexican towns.
10. I enjoy Mexico a lot more than I thought I did.
PS. The pic is not my brother in law. Just some yokel I found on Google image.
I have fond memories of telling that guy we were gay when he kept hounding us to go to his strip bar.
How was the wedding?
Uh, the wedding was largely incomprehensible. Despite the fact that I understood practically nothing of what was being said, though, the whole thing was a whole lot of fun. I really enjoyed my time there.
i loved this! oh fun. ps. i'll have a nephew w/ your name in november :)
Ha, I always knew your brother had a crush on me . . .
it's true. don't tell him i told you. but we both knew it all along.
heh. Well make sure that you tell him and Trish congrats from their future son's namesake. When will I get to see the kid?
well baby you is due nov. 19th... sooo my guess is they'll be up for Christmas??
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