Transcript: This is space. Space has no air so astronauts have to keep air packs on their backs so they can breath and so they won't die. - Summer '87

Transcript: Today is October 15, 1987. I like the bike ride because I like going across country on the road and I like the park, too and riding home was just as much fun as riding there and school was fun because we listened to the legend of the headless horseman of Sleepy Hollow and a black cat and tomorrow I will make a pumpkin patch picture and a paper bag and I ran five times. I played monster with Michael today. - Fall of '87

Transcript: August 9th, 1989. When it is hot I like to go swimming. Katie taught me how to do somersaults, backward rows, hand stands and straddles. One time Katie and I swam 100 laps. I can do three somersaults in a row. The end. - Summer '89

This one is pretty legible and readable. - Fall of '90

Today's entry.
Sometimes it's encouraging to know where you come from.
I totally didn't realize the last one was from today until the third or forth line. I was thinking, "are you kidding?!"
I'm really sorry about the car, man.
On the other hand, your writing makes it obvious that your mom's brilliant and that your lowercase G's haven't changed since you were 7. When did you start using the lowercase characters?
They have these stages of writing, right? Pre-literate, early emergent, emergent, transitional, and fluent. I think you were probably a year ahead of everyone else.
I'm having issues posting here...
I like that ironing made it on your list of things to do today. :)
Great post, Micah.
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