Monday, December 03, 2007

Self Swap

Today's question: Would you rather swap bodies with someone of another gender or another ethnicity?


James said...

I definitely just laughed out loud. Both would be interesting, but I'm going with gender.

Katie Mitchell said...

yeah gender... that sounds fun.

Anonymous said...

My roommate suggested the following (and I concur):

1. If the change were for one day I'd like to be a man (odd saying that...)

2. If the change were for the rest of my life, I'd change ethnicity (but don't tell the Croat relatives or I might be disowned...)


p.s. could you please not require us to have "word verification?" it's a bummer...

Anonymous said... would definitely be an interesting endeavor!

Micah said...

I'm going ethnicity, no question.

Anonymous said...


You say that so definitively. What do you suppose keeps you from wanting to be a woman? :)


Micah said...

Uh . . . well, other than the being a woman part . . . nothing. I think I do a fine job of being connected with my own femininity as it is.