Chapter 2a
With anxiety dripping from his every pore, Liam inched his way around the listing bedroom door. His senses now almost fully divested of sleep’s dullness, every input was now being registered with laser precision. The cat yowling outside was out-clamored by a slamming dumpster while water dripped somewhere nearby and the toilet valve screamed at him as it clicked on momentarily to top of the perpetually leaking tank. The stale odor of years of tobacco imbibed by the walls around him combined with the delicate smell of the earliest morning, and both flirted with the slightest tinge of garlic. Trying not to think about the cute take-out girl from the Italian joint he’d ordered dinner from the night before, Liam began his stealthy descent towards the end of the short hallway. The suite he had been inhabiting for the last two weeks hung in a dull grey light, purgatory of the day, nearly familiar shapes indistinguishable in the small sitting room at the mouth of his vestibular avenue. Breaching the aperture of the hallway, still crouched and primed with the bookend at the ready, what had been at first a remnant of garlic odor swelled to an belligerent hurricane of olfactory sensation with overtones of cheap liquor and cheaper aftershave. Realizing too late the garlic scent had nothing to do with the leftover chicken parmesan in the sink, Liam turned to his left towards the impending onslaught. The last thing he saw as he wheeled around raising the bookend was the black steel dough nut of a silencer, followed by a Beretta Px4 both half obscuring a thin grizzled face sporting what would be the most and last unctuous sneer he ever saw.
Well . . . that was quick. So, the question is now where we go from here. Suggestions?
Liam should have listened to me and he could still be crouched behind the door! Now he's been taken out by the smarmy dude and indeed where do we go from here. Will the Italian girl come to his rescue? Will he get new insight from the indentation on his skull? Or is he grateful he never has to put on the gray suit again? I think the next installment has to do with what happens while you're blacked out and the struggle that comes with deciding weather you come back or stay in the place of nonresponsive being...
Such a disappointment. Whenever I read these books, I always cheated so I knew what the 'right' answer was. Now that we have peaked at 'b' I say we back track and give 'a' a go, because it feels like it has some good mojo.
I love that the characters name is Liam... that's my bro's name... but hoping the guy gets to stay alive!
Hey, Desiree. I was looking for a good semi-exotic, strong European name and ended up with Liam. Hans was too SNL and Pierre was too pencil-mustache, and I've always liked Liam Nielson . . . That's pretty awesome that it's your bro's name. I can't say that I've ever met anyone named Liam before.
Sorry to say that our poor Liam, however, rapidly expired and is slowly but surely spreading the need for a carpet replacement in his suite at La Concha. Next Wed we'll give it another go from the first chapter. So far the votes for the retry are
A: 1
B: 0
C: 0
D: 0
How about you let him die and we continue the adventure with him as a ghost?! Yeaaaah...Liam The Friendly Ghost! I should write these books, huh? ;-) Teasing....a good time though....
Because it'd make me way too happy.
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