I was a pretty boring guy all the way through college. I had a soap opera quality social life, but I never got arrested, crashed the ‘Girls Gone Wild’ filming or even had a car to smash into anything. I don’t like loud parties much, being drunk actually kinda freaks me out and the only time I was sitting in a circle having the Magic Dragon passed ‘round I turned it down more out of plausible deniability than moral fortitude. My wife has told me on several occasions that she always wanted to marry a nerd, so I guess that makes me one lucky guy, right? One September night my senior year of college, however, I drove to
‘And the picture frames are facing down
and the ringing from this empty sound
is deafening and keeping you from sleep.
And breathing is a foreign task
and thinking's just too much to ask
and you're measuring your minutes by a clock that's blinking eights.’
And so it was that I made the pilgrimage to see this sage for myself; to sit at his feet and behold in person the angst which flowed so palpably through his plaintive voice. To for one night lap up what MTV had been pitching. When Lee, Karen and I made it to
Just outside the gate to the venue, I happened to run into my roommate from the year before, his eyes already glazed and lolling. Needless to say he was thrilled to see me. From there we barely dodged some projectile vomit from a young looking blonde and then somehow managed to keep her from plummeting to the ground after it until an EMT could be found to attend to her. From the midst of the throng of several hundred revelers, we let the music wash over us and felt our sweat mingle with that of our impossibly close neighbors and the water from the hose they intermittently sprayed the crowd with. After several hours of roiling participation in the rite, we made our way back the Jeep cotton-eared and reeking of God only knows what. I had never experienced anything quite like it before and never have since.
My cousin had jello shots at her wedding reception last night, and it kinda brought it all back for me.
Great writing, Micah.
And I think you're a rebel in thought, in depth of substance, and in your engagement in the lives of others. And those rebels are far too rare.
See you this weekend??? You guys want to hang out with me and my Turkish friend who is coming into town w/ me?? She's a former "bloody communist" (her words, not mine) and I think you'll find your world even larger and more complicated after a few chats with her....
I would, as I'm sure you know well, love to hang out with you and Ozzie. We're going to be in Santa Cruz this weekend, though, for a retreat : / When are you heading back down to LA? We leave Fri evening and get back Sunday afternoon.
Hey M and C--
It might work, then, because Ozge and I leave Monday at noonish. So maybe we could hang out after church on Sun night?? I'd really like her to meet you guys.
Is it ok if I call her Ozzie, or is that way too gauche? We'll do whatever we need to to make it work.
I think she draws the line at "who's gay"--which is apparently how some people in Montana attempted her name. I really can't pronounce it correctly, but heck, France is right around there (and Austria for Christy) :) so maybe you guys will have better luck.
Good stuff. Just give me a call when you're in town...
And it feels strange to discuss all this in post comments. :)
Well, for a second I thought Michelle was schitzophrenic, but then I realized M. in this case meant Micah :)
I agree. Great writing, man. I don't totally get the lyrics. What do you think picture frames hanging down means? I get the feeling, but really like and don't understand the imagery.
The picture frames are facing down, like when you can't quite get rid of the picture yet but you still can't bear to have it up and staring at you.
The Brilliant Dance might be the greatest piece of break up music the emo rock movement has produced to date, with Ben Folds coming in a close second with Song for the Dumped.
Wish I could've been there for the fox, James, sounded classic.
You should've waited around for five hours. It was right around the fountain, seminary house, etc.
Now that I get it....that line is brilliant.
I sent you the song a while ago . . . The Dashboard one, Brilliant Dance. I think you should get a fox stole of some sort, James.
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