Whether you post or not, though, I still really believe that it is important to continue examining our sexuality and what it means. In that vein, I ask another question on sexuality: How did the man Jesus Christ, Son of God, express His sexuality? If we really do espouse the doctrine of a fully human Christ (as well as fully divine), it would seem to me that Christ's life would have included sexuality. Did He chase girls on the playground? Suffer through the awkward stages of puberty? Did Joseph ever sit Him down and have 'the talk?' I haven't formulated many of my own thoughts on the subject yet, but I'm interested in what yall think about this . . .
Good question, Micah. And I'm sorry for not coming back to your page earlier to see you'd commented again---I was assuming it would be a few weeks before another post came out... :)
Regarding this question---I think it is hard to see Jesus as a sexual being because in current society I often see sexuality as almost uniformly tied to insecurity--obviously NOT a part of Jesus Christ, Son of God, yet fully man.
I know this is an incomplete thought, but I've gotta run to work. I'll be in town on Sat. though and we can maybe all get together and chat then??
Jesus looks like he's holding a joint and a drink.
He was man, but God. I don't think he struggled with anything. As far as his expression of it? I don't know.
I, for one, liked the last post. I've never thought about it before. It's one of those things I don't have much to actually comment on since it's so fresh.
How do you understand struggling, James? It would seem that Jesus struggled in Gethsemene, struggled with his slow disciples, struggled with being overwhelmed with crowds, etc.
This is the interesting thing about Christ. What did it mean that He was truly God, and truly man? Did he come out of Mary like a greased pig and start reciting the times tables? Did he always make the perfect cut in the woodshop? Could He have had a learning diability and still be Christ? That's a bit tangential, but still pertinant to Him learning about His sexuality as a child at some point.
Well, it's immeasurable. What I meant by struggle was struggling with sin.
Would it have been sin for Christ to refuse His death on the Cross? To pull away onto a mountain and avoid the crowds?
These are interesting questions that deserve their own posts, but the question remains about how Jesus did express His sexuality. I honestly don't know . . . but just as another avenue to explore, sexuality doesn't need to be confined to coital or pre-coital interactions. It can encompass everything that it meant for Him to be a man.
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