Dante got it all wrong with his nine layers of hell. There are 11. Level 10 is euphemistically called Nevada. Level 11 is called Lubbock, TX and the Dark Prince's Throne Room is located at Jones SBC Stadium. I have disliked Tech since 2002 when I was adopted into the Fightin' Texas Aggie Family, but after four years of being subjected to their arrogant shenanegens, I really do hope that their football program fades back into obscurity and they start loosing to Rice and Texas State. I hate Tech with the burning passion of a thousand imploding suns, and to make matters worse . . . they keep kickin our ass.
Hehehe...that's beautiful.
I met someone in St Louis this weekend who was from El Paso. I told him about you and Christy (and this apparent rivalry between your school and T. Tech (certainly not news to him) and he asked about the A&M vs. T. Tech game. AND (and here's the kicker)--I was able to recite the score and the tragedy in the final minutes because of you.
Just one week ago I even found myself saying the words "wide receiver." What's happening to me???
Now that's even more beautiful, Michelle.
Ha, glad that I could be of service, Mish. Did you happen to catch your alma matter's game this last week against fearsome Utah State?
Tragically, no.
And it looks like I won't be able to escape to see the homecoming game this weekend either...stinks... I'd need a miracle to get enough work done to be able to go...
happy early bday to christy...
Not so tragic you missed it . . . it was pretty ugly : (
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