When I made the jump from High School to College, I remember being really depressed. After finishing my first semester, I realized I had just covered more material in 6 months than I would have all year in a High School course. What had I been doing with my life for the past four years? Piles of busy work was my conclusion. In College, however, I knew I had arrived at accademic freedom. Freed from the shackles of primary education,I was now learning at an incredible rate, at least as fast as any human brain could hope to assimilate information. Now that I'm in grad school and going through whole text books in about a week, I realize I screwed around just as much in College as I did in High School. This realization is both comforting and again depressing to me. It means that 1) I’m smarter than I’ve ever given myself credit for and 2) Another four years of education in undergrad was spent not applying myself to actually learning scholastic material. The consequentialism of these assertions remains to be seen.
The pile of books in the picture are the books that I have finished in the first half of the semester. I give a solemn nod to the conifers that gave their lives for my continuing education and endeavour to not let them down this time. I will give their pulp efficacy!
1 comment:
Yay Psychology and lots of reading :) oh friend i always knew you had the capacity to be smart... and look now you are applying yourself so much more. exciting stuff huh? i miss you friend. i have been quite sick and decided that being on drugs and driving hours by myself doesn't sound too excting so i didn't come back this weekend...but soon! love you friend and christy too :)
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