I started this post talking about James Lyons and some things we talked about this afternoon concerning the future of the planet and its implication on the universe. I will now finish this post by talking about me and some things that I think about concerning the future of my universe. Namely myself.
After finally posting following my six month break, I have re-realized that I enjoy writing. I enjoy it a great deal, in fact. I enjoy it so much that I took a large amount of time out of writing a paper to write a game preview for my fantasty football league. I enjoy the compensatory action of expression without mediation. It's my neurotransmitters to the keyboard. Nothing in between. I enjoy the self satisfied sensation coursing through me while re-reading a fine bit of text I banged out. I enjoy the twinge of shame when I can't rework a paragraph to say just what I think it should. I enjoy writing a great deal because it lets me explore myself.
Today, however, as I sat down to think about what to write it occurred to me that I have embarked on one of the most dangerous and imposing tasks I have ever undertaken. I have taken the time to think about who I am and what I want to say. What will I find on this journey of self exploration? Do I faithfully believe that what is uncovered will be a new creation, unfolding like a sunday school coloring assignment? Conversely, I fear I will discover banality and void. Now that the concept has sprung into my mind, however, it owns me. I am much more terrified of my unknown self than of any lurking horror that may await me deep in my unprobed emotional depths.
So exciting, huh? Blogging, synonymous with personal spelunking. If you know me, write me an insightful comment about who I am. Not a platitude, but something that you know to be true about me from a personal experience. Heck, do it anonymously. And take the time out to explore yourself. Hannah made some super insightful statements about her life, which have inspired me and will hopefully in turn inspire you. Take the time to explore yourself.
And I promise to make the next post more personally relavant to you.
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