I was flipping through the Genesis last night in my Biblical Interpretation class, and I came across Genesis 6. I know that I’ve read the story before, but I don’t think that I’ve ever been as struck by it as I was last night in class. What the hell are the Nephilim?! In the context of the story, it sounds like they are the product of a sexual union between women and ‘the Sons of God,’ but who were they? I have absolutely no answers to these questions. I know that the Nephilim are referenced again in Numbers 13.33 when the girly men who went with Caleb gave their daunting report of Canaan, but even there the description is vague.
I have heard that the word Nephilim is derived from the Hebrew word for ‘fallen,’ and people take that to understand that they are fallen angels. If I am reading the text right in Genesis, however, the Nephilim refer to the offspring of these Sons of God that are running amok before the flood. If you have any idea what the heck these Giant people are about, I’d love to hear it.